Sunday, August 30, 2009

Translation Please

WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER I loved hearing you say words with such confidence, even if they were incorrect. For example, you would say "hocidoctor" for helicopter, "agitator" for alligator, "efelant" for elephant, "ocstible" for obstacle, "binocliars" for binoculars, ocopriate" for cooperate & one of my personal favorites, "kadomadome" for the Tacoma Dome. Another cute thing you would say is "Miccole" instead of Niccole when telling someone my name. It was so cute that I didn't have the heart to correct you & you eventually figured it out - I knew you would. I even video taped you saying it 'cause it was so darn cute! All these crazy words have put many a smile on my face, but none more than your first words - "kee kat" for kitty cat. You were 7 1/2 months old - YES, that's no typo, 7 1/2 months when you were reaching to pet our cat Buster & you said "kee kat". We couldn't believe it. It was so amazing that we didn't even care that your first words weren't "mama" or "dada". You have always loved animals so it's no surprise that you would have your first words be animal related. Then at 14 months you said "applesauce" as clear as day! Even your daycare teacher looked stunned & had you repeat it, again clear & concise...applesauce! You had seen her grab it out of your lunch bag & wanted it. You are my special little guy & I look forward to many more words to come.

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